
Babies Home

How to help the Babies Home

Learn more about our Babies Home
The Babies Home cares for orphaned and abandoned babies from birth – giving them a loving, stable, homely environment until they are placed in their Forever Family through reunification or adoption.
The Babies Home was started in March 2000 in response to the plight of babies being abandoned in hospitals or left to die due to poverty and HIV. Since opening, we have cared for more than 200 children. Many babies brought to our Babies Home are premature and in need of extensive, and sometimes intensive, care. It is our privilege to build them up into health and prepare them to connect into a Forever Family. We typically have 12-14 children in our home at any time.
Companies and Individuals can support the Babies Home by Adopting a Cot in our home, sponsoring much-needed items or volunteering with us.
We care for up to 30 babies, use 26 000 nappies and 190 tins of formula a year!